
Registration at Holy Trinity

Formal registration is held during Catholic Schools Week (usually the last week in January). 

Non-Catholic students are welcome to attend Holy Trinity School. Race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or socioeconomic background will not determine admission to Holy Trinity.

In the event of limited enrollment in individual grades, previously enrolled students will have seniority.

You can begin the registration process here: register online by clicking here.

If you have questions, or need more information on Registration, please call the main office at 603-524-3156.

Admission to HTS

Holy Trinity Regional Catholic School enrollment is open to all children, Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Eight.

Admission to Holy Trinity requires the following documents:

  • Registration Form and Fee
  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Record
  • Baptismal Certificate (when applicable)
  • Transcript (for transferring students)

Entering PreK3 students must be three years old on or before September 30th.
Entering Pre-K4 students must be four years old on or before September 30th.

Entering Kindergarten students must be five years old on or before September 30th.

Call 603.524.3156 to schedule a visit!

Faithful Catholics who:
  • Understand and practice the teachings of Christ and the Church.
  • Participate in Sacramental and the Liturgical life of the Church.
  • Live a life of service, working toward a just society.
  • Respect and appreciate the environment, other people, and one’s self as part of God’s creation.

Problem solvers who:
  • Seek solutions both independently and collaboratively.
  • Apply appropriate mathematical, scientific, and technological skills.
  • Critically consider alternatives and apply prior knowledge to make effective and moral choices.

Responsible citizens who:
  • Have respect and reverence for ethnic and cultural diversity in our society and an appreciation of world cultures.
  • Understand their roles as participants in our society, as members of Church, family, community, country, and world.
  • Demonstrate self-respect and respect for others.

Connect with us

19 Gilford Avenue, Laconia, NH 03246-3401, USA

  • dummy+1 (603) 524 3156

  • dummy+1 (603) 524 4454

  • dummyinfo@htsnh.org
